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Microchip Machine

DECENT MACHINERY has supplied ventilating and process microchip fabrication fans since its beginnings. High-efficiency, low noise microchip fans are required in the fabrication modules where circuits are printed, plated and chemically treated. Chip manufacturers have special fan requirements for parts cleaning and drying, along with fans for flotation table positioners, air knives and conveyors. The microchip industry has developed some of the most complex exhaust and supply systems in the world. Heat recovery units are used to temper incoming air; high-efficiency fume and odor treatment systems remove emissions and perform energy recovery duties. High-velocity dilution air systems use DECENT MACHINERY fans for exhaust and incineration.


Tunnel Ventilation,Civil Works,Singapore,2017

Ventilation Type : 2xAL16-1100



Rotation Speed:1500rpm

Volumetric Flow: up to 2*62m3/s



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Mine and Tunnel Ventilation




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